Hi Everyone,
This is going to be a short post with no new cards today. I am heading in the morning to Saskatoon for something called Expo. It is where managers from different Co-op's go to see new advances in supplies and other items that we use to do our business. It is so exciting that I can't wait to go. I won't be back till Monday night, so unfortunately you won't be hearing from me till Tuesday.
Before I go and finish my packing, I wanted to show you what I got in the mail a couple of days ago. I'm sure you remember when I had a blog candy drawing, and a fellow blogger named Jill won my blog candy. Well Jill and I were talking, and she wanted my address to send me a thank you card for the blog candy that I was sending. So, I got this package in the mail the other day, and now I think that I also won blog candy!! That crazy girl...she totally spoiled me!! Thanks so much Jill...for everything. I can't wait to use these images. I was just complaining to some of the other girls on the DT for a spoon full of sugar, because I didn't have any sugar nellie stamps. Now I have lots of images to choose from!!
Well, I am exausted!! I get to drive down with the boss, sure hope I don't fall asleep!!
Have a great weekend!
Wow awesome RAK! Imagine she sends you blog candy back, how sweet
That's so nice.. I'm happy for you. enjoy your trip.
Big Hugs,
Ooo...delish! :D Nice candy there Trina ;P Have fun!!
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