It has been a long long time since I have posted here. I've still been making a few cards, just not as many as I used too, and I have given a few of them away without taking pictures....*slaps hand*...
Anyways, I want to talk to you about this blog. I'm thinking about taking a new approach to my blogging, and hope you will stay around to visit and support me. Ya see....Over the last year or two I have had a couple of health scares. Don't worry....everything is OK - I've just had to add a couple of medications to my morning line up, but it makes me this really what I want for the rest of my life? And if I don't do something now, what's going to happen in the future? When I moved to Estevan, I gained almost 100 lbs! It's time to do something - the time is now!!!
Not only does this weight take away any chance of me ever having a baby (which is another story...for another time), it also endangers my future health.
I took a big step and joined Weight Watchers! Now I am only down 12 pounds so far, but it's a start.
I want my blog to be a place I can communicate. I will still post cards - but I am also going to post about my weight loss struggle and achievements.
I think that by writing it down for the world to see, might keep me more accountable for my actions, and hopefully I can understand where I went wrong last time, and not make those same mistakes.
If some of you want to leave my blog and stop following me now - I totally understand - it's not exactly what you signed up for eh??
I hope some of you will stick around and let me know how I'm doing. You can also give me a kick in the butt when I need it. Just be gentle...
As an added bonus, my hubby is trying to lose weight too. (he's not doing so well yet unfortunately, but it will come....he pretty much has no choice, I'm not cooking fatty foods anymore!!)
In the next few days I will get a starting picture so you can see what I look like now, and I will try to take pictures as I go along.
It was really hard for me to share this with you. I have this damn little voice in my head that keeps saying....what if you can't do it, what if you fall off, everyone will know now...
You know what though??? I have to try....that's all I can say right now.
So, wish me luck. I have a weigh in tomorrow!!!

Oh Good luck Trina and losing 12 pounds sound like you're on the right path. Now you need to keep up the good work and I shall still be following you to find out how you're doing.
way to go honey!.. and good luck..
well done in the weight that you have lost so far sweetie, like debby says sounds like you are on the right path already.. .. big hugs Rachxx
Hey Trina!! Congratulations on making a move to change your lifestyle and health. It's very tough and I feel the only way you can do it is with support. I'm 38 and I've been to Weight Watchers and actually got my lifetime membership when I was in my late 20s. I've fallen off the wagon but always go back to that lifestyle of eating and exercising. There's no secret, which is what I like about the program. Exercise and food moderation and that's what it takes. The program is easy to follow and is something you can use for life. Not just a temporary fix. Yes we have struggles but there are no expensive vitamins or health shake diets that yo-yo you. Anyway, I'm babbling. Good luck to you and your hubby! Mine and I did this over the last year and he's lost 20lbs just cuz of what I cooked. It'll come for your hubby and then you'll be really annoyed at how easy it is for men. It's so not fair. LOL!! HUGS!
You're doing Great Trina!! I'm betting hubby will benefit as well...especially as he sees the improvement in your health and energy. Talk to you soon!! Hey..and I can hardly wait for you to come down...I'll have the fresh veggies waiting!!..Hugs and Love!!! Mom
Hey Trina, thank you so much for your kind words... I'm so glad that Elizabeth is doing so well... I'm counting the pounds off too.... too many went on over the last three years and now i have to lose a lot and i mean a lot.. I'm 17 pounds in, it is slow going but it is coming off about a pound to two pounds a week... Keep it up girl.... I know how hard it is.... I'm still loving your work...Thank you so much for joining in my candy giveaway, Good Luck.. Crafty Hugs Tina x...
Trina I too have lots of weight to lose so I understand well all your feelings. Hang in there and keep up the great work!
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