Isn't this card just beautiful!! I love how my Mom spends so much attention to details. Her coloring is fantastic! Thanks Mom!!
I also have a bit of a request for some of my blog readers. My Mom's brother (my Uncle Dana) has just been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He is just 55 years old and is terminal. We do not know how much longer he has to live, doctors say that he could go any day, or could live up to 10 months.
When I was younger my uncle would always send me and my family christmas cards that he bought from a store, but he would think that they were to plain, and would buy some glue and glitter and fill them up with glitter, before mailing them to us.
I had started sending him a homemade card for christmas every year, and he always emails our family and tells them, that Trina made him a homemade card, and he says how much he likes it and how nice it is.
Anyways...if anyone would be interested in sending him a card, it would be truly appreciated. He is a great guy and it is going to be hard for him because he is pretty much alone, and doesn't have alot of family around (he was never married and has no children). I know that it would brighten his day.
If you would like to send him a card, please email me for his name and address. My email address is stampinangel@sasktel.net.
Thank you everyone.
What a lovely card, your mother is a very talented lady
This is GORGEOUS!! I love your mom's talent and creativity. This is sooo sweet. :)
Hi Trina. Well, I made a couple cards today; one for your uncle and one for mine. I started with every intention of making it "Peaceful" but I kinda think it might look a little dreary--stormy?? Hope not! Ok, now I'm not sure if I should send them. I'm doubting myself here. Take a looksy and let me know what you think. I'm soo not good with masculine cards!!
HI Trina,
I'm glad you said your Uncle will like the train card I made for him. No, I didn't realize that he lived where CP Rail went through, so how ironic. Take care!
Trina, I saw this card on your Mom's site, so cute! I have emailed her with regard to your uncle. Blessings. Deb
What a beautiful card! I only hope mine look half as good as hers!
This card is beautiful and so are you.
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