Well, I sat down today, thinking that I would make a whole bunch of cards, and I don't know what happened. I think I looked at way too many blogs, then I just had to watch Grey's Anatomy (Which was great, in case you were wondering!!) :) And now, I think want to write something on my blog, even though I should be making cards for my upcoming Christmas Card Class!
This is my newest card, totally cased from an awesome blogger. I hope if she reads this, that she doesn't mind!! The x-mas tree tag is actually stamped on the inside of the card and a window is punched out of the front. You can see the blog of the wonderful stamper that I cased this from here http://stampspaperscissors.blogspot.com/index.html
Hey there! I found your blog by hitting the "next blog" button at the top... surfing for new craft blogs to read. Imagine my surprise to see that you are from Melville! I am from Saskatoon! All of my crafty, scrapping blog buddies are from the US.
Nice to meet you. I will visit again soon.
What a great card! Thanks for linking to my blog, I appreciate it!
Hey Trina! Great Blog! Why didn't you tell me??!!
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